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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Play Based Learning P2 Term 2

8th Apr 2022

During the months of January, February and March the Primary 2 children showed great interest in creating bridges and stable structures.
In the quarry the children investigated different ways of making a bridge. Some children explored how to make a bridge by digging deep and making a tunnel while others made mountains and then found some items from the grass and trees around them to build a bridge that went across. There was lots of problem solving when some children recognised the need for the sand to be firm in order for their bridge to be steady. 

In Creative Classroom the children experienced painting, colour mixing, observational drawing and clay. The clay provided the children with lots of opportunities to develop fine motor skills, working with tools to cut, roll, flatten and smooth. Some children made detailed animals and bridges, developing their skills of concentration and perseverance so that the final product matched what they had imagined. During colour mixing the children were amazed at what colours they were able to create and spoke confidently to their peers about what they had done.

At the construction areas the children worked cooperatively with their peers to create stable bridges. They persevered when it was difficult to get their structure to stand and managed their resources effectively, working together to tidy when finished. 

In the forest the children explored a new area where they were able to develop their skills of climbing and clambering. They thought about areas that were safe to play in and areas where their safety would be at risk. We saw lots of creative thinking when building dens and shelters with children thinking carefully about how to join and connect their materials to create a roof while also working on their fine manipulative strength and dexterity, opening and closing pegs. 

At the mud lab, sand and water the children experimented with making inventions, talking about the consistency of their mud and how to make it a ‘little bit more sticky’ injecting water from a syringe. The children also worked on their fine motor skills in the sand when using small brushes to clear away excess sand from the dinosaurs they had found.