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Learning From Home 2021
- To ensure that Learning From Home runs as smoothly as possible I ask parents to check that their child can log into:
Bugclub ( P1 – P7)
Mathletics (P1 – P7)
My School (needed for Newsdesk) ( P3- P7)
If there are login difficulties, you must inform the class teacher ASAP on Seesaw. If this is not possible contact me on mmonaghan771@c2kni.net
2. School staff will be gauging pupil engagement by:
Checking that allocated Bug Club books for the week have been read. (This will be fully up and running next week.)
Monitoring that all allocated Mathletics tasks have been completed
Looking at pupils’ work uploaded to the class teacher. (We did not ask for this this week.)
Your child’s teacher will inform you next week as to exact pieces that need to be uploaded. We need to keep this specific.
There is a real duty of care on us to follow up on pupils who are not engaging.
We will aim to support in whatever way possible so please reach out to us if you are struggling.
Failure on parents’ behalf to do so will result in involvement of the Safeguarding team and ultimately the Education Welfare Service, which is not what any of us want.
3. The plan is that the weekly work overview will be uploaded each Friday to be started on Monday.
(Some parents have asked for this as their work commitments require that they have time over the weekend to organise things for home schooling).
Where possible, I suggest that you do keep the work for week days as it is important that the children don’t fall out of routine completely.
4. School staff are trying to enhance what was offered during the last period of home learning and will be engaging with pupils with recordings/ voice messages, so please look out for these over the course of each week.
It is important that your child listens to/ sees these as without them the work posted is impersonal. They will need to be viewed in conjunction with the work overview but teachers will be working on these throughout the week so they will be posted on the relevant days.
5. The work set by teachers should not need to be printed out, it should be viewed online and the actual work/answers written into a book. If you need an exercise book or are having difficulty viewing work (because you are viewing on a phone etc ) please contact Mr Sweeney on esweeney242@c2kni.net
Yours in partnership
Mrs Monaghan
For Children who are worried

Grow In Love

The Daily Mile at Home
Looking for a way to stay active at home? Why not try The Daily Mile at Home?!
The Daily Mile at Home is an easy and fun way to help improve your physical and mental health & wellbeing.
Anyone can take part in The Daily Mile at Home – it’s just 15 minutes of walking, jogging or running per day. The Daily Mile can be done around the garden, in parks or on the street, but please do bear in mind government social distancing regulations. With the help of London Marathon, The Daily Mile have devised weekly challenges to keep you motivated check these out at The Daily Mile at Home | The Daily Mile UK.


Play Ideas
PlayBoard (the lead agency for children’s play) are kindly sharing the following Play Matters – Play for Parents guide https://www.playboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/PlayBoard-Play-For-Parents-Guide-2019.pdf in which parents will find lots of tips and information on the importance of play.
Also being shared is a flyer and link https://www.playboard.org/play-ideas/ to a resource bank full of playful ideas for parents to try at home.

Information & Support 2021
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175