Access Keys:

St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


We welcome everyone to our class page but extend a very warm welcome to our Primary 1 pupils, their parents, carers, extended family and friends.

It is our aim to make the transition for each child into Primary One smooth and enjoyable.

The Foundation Stage Primary 1 curriculum builds on the experiences children have had in Nursery/Pre-school settings. Learning through play continues alongside more formal learning in a structured environment. We hope that the new challenges of Primary 1 ensure that each child remains motivated and enthused.

Home /School links:

Parents/carers you are the first educators of your child and learning at home happens in a natural and informal way. We look forward to working together with you to ensure a happy and productive year for your child.

On this page you will find information about our learning.  We will include photographs of our learning and provide handy tips and hints about what you can do at home to help your child. We aim to make our home/school learning links and activities practical, enjoyable and fun.



Latest Photographs