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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

FAST & Fastworks News

Fastworks families spent a fun filled day in sticky fingers for our event to end...
  This is our FASTWORKS family star shining brightly over our family. ...
We had a great day at FAST Works on 16th May 2017 We made a star...
On Tuesday 11th April the members of the FAST group enjoyed a wonderful Easter Egg...
The first session of FAST was held on Tuesday 11th October . It was truly heart...
    FAST gives families "quality time" together . FAST is...

Families Connect

This programme aims to stimulate the Home Learning Environment and increase home - school engagement.

Ten program ma na celu stymulowanie nauczania w srodowisku domowym i zwiększenie zaangazowania na linii dom - szkola.


Families Connect

  The Families Connect Team would like to extend a huge 'Thank You' to...
On Thursday 19th October the new parental engagement programme 'Families connect'...