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As promised we are extending our bank of recordings and information aimed at showing parents and carers how we approach certain aspects of teaching in St Clare's Abbey.
Nagrania i informacje na tej stronie maja na celu pokazanie, w jaki sposob podchodzimy do okreslonych aspektow nauczania w St Clare's Abbey.
Literacy Help Videos
Using mnemonics can help SOME children to learn ‘tricky’ words in a fun and memorable way.
They use the letters of the word to create a little rhyme or memorable phrase.
Feel free to try some of these with your son or daughter

Helping Your Child With Reading
Paired Reading Booklet
Guided Reading Session P2
The guided reading session below focuses on developing early reading and comprehension skills. The teacher focuses on using different techniques for reading unknown words as well as developing a relationship between the reader and his/her book.
Developing Your Child's Comprehension Skills
Please find below some useful questions which can be used to help develop your child’s comprehension skills. Please ensure that you are attempting to ask a range of questions especially those which aim to develop thinking skills, where your child has to think on a deeper level rather than merely finding the answer ‘right there’ in the text. If you would like a printed version of these please speak to your child’s teacher.
QR Code for EA Literacy Resources

Literacy Resources Available from EA
St Clare's Abbey Primary School, Nursery, ECPD, 12 Courtenay Hill, Newry, BT34 2EA | T: 028 3026 2175