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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Catholic Schools' Week, January 22nd ‒ January 29th 2017.

20th Jan 2017


Every year the Church in Ireland takes one week in the year to celebrate the great gift of the Catholic Schools in Ireland. It is an opportunity for us to focus on the Catholic Schools in our parish and the tremendous work being done there.

The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is: Catholic Schools’ ‒ Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

It is a reminder that a school is not just a place where lessons are taught, but that it is a place of faith, where the school community builds up and becomes the body of Christ. The Catholic School..... •  Has at its heart the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. •  Builds an environment of care and concern for others that is rooted in Catholic social teaching.  •  Creates a safe and happy learning environment where every child is encouraged and enabled to develop to their full and      unique potential as human beings, made in the image and likeness of God.  •  Seeks educational excellence while remaining faithful to its distinctive vision and approach.  •  Is an inclusive and respectful community, welcoming students of all denominations and of none.   •  Acknowledges the role of parents as the first teachers in the ways of faith and provides opportunities for their participation in the life of the school. •  Works in partnership with parents and the parish community to keep the light of faith burning brightly.  •  Provides religious education programmes that confirm and deepen the child's understanding of the Catholic faith so that every child will be as articulate in their faith as they are in all other areas of the curriculum.  •  Nurtures the child's appreciation and understanding of the sacramental life of the Church.  •  Displays the symbols of our rich Catholic faith tradition.  •  Spends time as a school community in reflection, prayer, ritual, celebrating the Eucharist and other sacraments in order to develop the spiritual life of each person in the school community. Based on Vision 08: A Vision for Catholic Education in Ireland (A Pastoral Letter of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference)


Prayer for Teachers

Lord Jesus, guide us in our work so that the young people before us may grow to become all that you have called them to be. May our teaching encourage them to embrace life in all its beauty and mystery.  May our patience with them allow them to learn from their mistakes.  May our listening to them help them to respect themselves and others.  Through the gift of your Spirit inspire us to love what we do, to be a support to one another and to never give up on a child in our care.

Very Rev. Canon Francis Brown