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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

Climate Change

26th Nov 2021


The UN Climate Change Conference or COP26 took place recently in Glasgow when World leaders came together to plan how to tackle the urgent threat of climate change.

Whether it's by recycling, composting, walking to school, using a re-usable water bottle or turning the lights off when leaving a room, thousands of people are already playing their part. And we can play our part too. Over the course of this school year our ECO Council will lead us in a number of initiatives and next Friday (3rd December) we will join many schools across the island of Ireland by helping to plant one million trees, for every native tree planted by primary schools in Ireland on 3rd December, Self Help Africa will plant 10 more in Africa. The ECO Council will plant 19 native Irish trees in our school grounds.

To acknowledge this day, we will have a Non-Uniform Day on Friday 3rd December and we request that each pupil brings in £1