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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

May in Miss Mallon's P2

17th May 2017

Primary Two have been really enjoying the month of May in school. We enjoyed having our lunch as a picnic with the fabulous weather and the wonderful views around us. The boys and girls even took their reading books outside during guided reading.

In WAU we are learning about things that grow and things that do not grow. We went exploring our nature woodland area on a nature walk collecting bits and pieces we hope to use in our learning through play topic. Having decided that flowers definitely grow, we planted some seeds of our own up in the school garden. The boys and girls watered the plans during the good weather.

We have been using money in school, making good attempts at using 1ps, 2ps and sometimes 5ps to make different amounts within 20p. The boys and girls have been working on number bonds and counting backwards.


One website we had fun with was  (google toyshop money game topmarks)