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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry

September Mrs McKeown/Mrs McGoldrick's Class

29th Sep 2019


Welcome to Mrs McKeown's / Mrs McGoldrick's September Class News.

We have had a very busy September in our new classroom. All the boys and girls have settled in so well. They have rekindled old friendships and making new ones.

In Numeracy, we have been revising our teen numbers, practising number formation and counting to and from 20. We have absolutely loved exploring and using correct mathematical language associated with number, length and weight.  Participating in various practical activities in Numeracy has been interesting and fun.

In Literacy we have been working hard putting our writing skills into action. We were focusing on correct use of punctuation - capital letters and full stops.  We know that we have to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the end.  We had lots of fun exploring Autumn Sounds.  We visited the forest, used our ‘listening ears’, closed our eyes and LISTENED.  We then chose musical instruments to create a sound poem based on sounds from the forest.  It was very interesting reading a selection of Autumn poems written by Shirley Hughes.

We’ve had a great start also Learning through Play.  We have been developing scientific skills of collecting, observing, classifying and predicting through handling leaves and natural materials from the forest.  

In the Construction Zone, we are working hard at developing great teamwork, using our imagination and creating interesting models.

In the Creative Classroom, the children participated in joining and connecting activities, mixing colours with paint and partaking in observational drawing.