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St Clare�s Abbey Primary School, Newry


2016/2017 School Year

20th Sep 2016
We are having lots of fun playing together in our new Primary Two classroom. 
16th Sep 2016
The seventh annual National Eye Health Week (NEHW) will take place from 19th –...
12th Sep 2016
Our class went to the ECO bus. There we learnt about recycling our rubbish in...
12th Sep 2016
The seventh annual National Eye Health Week (NEHW) will take place 19 – 25...
9th Sep 2016
Miss O'Shea's class are glad to be back to school.  They welcome a new pupil...
9th Sep 2016
Dear parents, We have a huge number of arrangements in place to help us keep...
9th Sep 2016
  Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Newry Cathedral CLW would...
9th Sep 2016
We have all had a wonderful, busy first week! We are so happy to be back together...
9th Sep 2016
All smiling after a wonderful first week of settling into Primary Two.   
8th Sep 2016
Welcome to Primary 5.